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Dora Lewis


Enrique Thompson & Revirado Project versi​ó​n Fuerteventura COVID​-​19

Este CD es la compilación de un concierto grabado para el "Conectando Fuerteventura Fest" organizado por el Cabildo de Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias, en abril-mayo de 2020 a partir del confinamiento y estado de alarma a raíz del COVID-19. Enrique Thompson & Revirado Project versión Fuerteventura COVID-19...

Vuelta de P​á​gina (Page Turn)

We blend Tango, jazz and Argentine folk through improvisation, giving space to spontaneous creations, experimentation, dance and diverse forms of art. This recording summarizes or synthesizes our latest work and ideas. It is a kind of a closing and at the same time an outline for...

Tango meets Jazz

Original music, jazz, tango and folk music from Argentina played by a piano-saxophone duo. We have applied instruments like the sax to explore the styles of our home land through jazz improvisation methods. Integrating spontaneous creative processes to music which is not usually performed in that...