Latest Album

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Dora Lewis


Artist: Instant Quartet
Label: Artruism Records
Release Date: 2014-11-03
Genre: Jazz
People: Enrique Thompson - tenor saxophone; Ingnacio Cacace - guitar; Martín Skrt - double bass; Nahuel Oporto - drums
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About Album

After almost five years without see each other, we met with a group of friends and colleges in La Plata, Argentina, city I have lived many years and our meeting point, to record this instant session.
We decide to leave a register of our meeting before I would come back to Europe and let the doors open for a new project.
In less than a week we composed and recorded the whole session, leaving some of our musical features on jazz music.

Thanks very much to Mariano Zelada, who help us with his infinite talent and good sense of humour.

Recorded and Mixed by Mariano Zelada on April 2014 in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

All songs composed by Enrique Thompson except tracks 1 and 4 composed by Ignacio Cacace

Cover illustration and design by Paulo Martins Bastos